Monday, December 28, 2009


Its been several days since I've came back and to my dismay Malaysia is still humid as hell. The cool air of Egypt is only a fond memory now. This week's Sunday goal is to do a write up about Egypt with some pictures for the less imaginative one's (you know who you are), oh and I also went to Dubai.

My blog is looking craptacular. It needs a major facelift so that will be one of my goals as well this week.

Today's topic is iTunes. Apart from being an excellent piece of software it also manages my iPod. The thing about iTunes is that it keeps track of everything when its running or when the iPod is running in its stead. Not an intricate to the fabric detail log, it doesn't record how long its been on, how many times its switched on a day, or any of that trivial bull shit (although, trivial bull shit would be awesome). No, I'm referring to its 'top 25 played'. The default play list it gave and one I still use. Frankly, I think it says a lot about me. Knowing the music a person listens to most often gives a small but in depth view of what's going on in that person's mind. Of course this does not apply to everyone. But it does apply to someone like who can't function without music and who thinks his most valuable possession is his portable music player.

Although, when I look at my own 'top 25' I feel almost embarrassed and sometimes s exclaim, "how the fuck did that get there!"

So here are five random songs from my top 25. Enjoy. Or cringe.

Note: all these are youtube videos so the quality ain't there.

At the top of my top 25 is: Just Breathe by Kylee. (play count 85)

At number 4 its: Hit The Floor by Linkin Park. (play count 63)

At number 5 its: Mysterious Purupuru Pururin by Shishidou Rumi. (play count 58)

At number 14 its: Run Rabbit Run by Eminem. (play count 48)

Finally at number 21 and rising steadily fast is: Nyanderful! by Sakikabara Yui.

These were all randomly chosen. And for me I had a hard time playing these videos, thanks streamyx!
See ya next Sunday.

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