Thursday, December 31, 2009

Best movie of the year?

I thought 2009 was a lame movie year. Sure there was District 9, Inglorious Basterds, star trek and Avatar. All of which are good entertaining movies. All these movies didn't make me ponder and think. Good movies make me think about it for a good long time, dark knight had me watch it three times in the theaters and another three times at home.

This year, I didn't have any favourite or beloved movie. Until today, 31st December, new year's eve. A Japanese anime movie titled 'Summer Wars' has managed to captivate my attention, released August 1st in Japan and August 8th in Korea. It didn't have an international release and a rumour from the internet predicts a DvD subbed release to be in 2010 March. That sucks. So I downloaded it. The quality was crap, the audio synch was fucked. The guys whom released it tried to fix it, but the audio was still out of synch by .5 maybe .2 seconds. Despite it running at a horrendously low resolution I continued to watch. Despite all this shit I sold after the first 10 minutes I was committed to buy the DVD once released. And at the end of the movie, that was 114 minutes, I thought: Damn, that was fucking awesome!

I can't reply explain why I love this movie so much. Words fail to be voiced as to why and how this movie impressed me. Personally my creed for reviewing anything is simple; experience it three times than write about it immediately after the third.
Although I have yet to have time to ponder and think about this movie, all I know is that I sunked two hours of my life watching this but the movie felt really short. Good things feel short, better things feel shorter, bad things drag on. This is the first movie in a long time that I actually felt giddy like a child.

In all honesty its my opinion. Some people may think this movie sucks or that my Anime infested mind is just thirsty for anything mildly good or that I'm simply simple minded. Its my 2 cents and I can throw it however I like.

Movie of the year for me was 'Summer Wars'.
Game of the year 'Uncharted 2'. (this is unrelated but damn, I just love the acronym GOTY)

Technical Difficulty.

In my ignorance I easily promised doing a facelift for this blog. A promise I intend to fulfill but, apparently making my own template isn't as simple as scrawling a few doodles on Microsoft Paint and slapping it onto the front page. Its got HTML and programming crap. I've got a month left before leaving, nothing else to do I might as well learn some basic HTML or at least give a decent effort to copy someone else's work, edit it a little and call it mine.

I'm postponing the facelift indefinitely. Also today has been the longest day for me, I've been awake since yesterday 1500. As I write this its been over 30 hours without sleep. The reason for this awfully stupid act came about last night at around midnight. Sleepless in bed, this has been happening for several days already. Sleeping late and waking up in the afternoon is a very 'fuck me' feeling. To 'reset' my biological clock I decided to stay up till the next night and sleep like a log, that is tonight.
Frankly its a really stupid idea, I was yawning the whole day and almost vomited after lunch. My mind was cloudy the entire day, basketball managed to pump some adrenaline into it and give clarity. Otherwise for the better part of the day my mind was as sharp as the flat end of a pencil.

Now if you'll excuse I've got a date with lady mattress and miss pillow.

Monday, December 28, 2009


Its been several days since I've came back and to my dismay Malaysia is still humid as hell. The cool air of Egypt is only a fond memory now. This week's Sunday goal is to do a write up about Egypt with some pictures for the less imaginative one's (you know who you are), oh and I also went to Dubai.

My blog is looking craptacular. It needs a major facelift so that will be one of my goals as well this week.

Today's topic is iTunes. Apart from being an excellent piece of software it also manages my iPod. The thing about iTunes is that it keeps track of everything when its running or when the iPod is running in its stead. Not an intricate to the fabric detail log, it doesn't record how long its been on, how many times its switched on a day, or any of that trivial bull shit (although, trivial bull shit would be awesome). No, I'm referring to its 'top 25 played'. The default play list it gave and one I still use. Frankly, I think it says a lot about me. Knowing the music a person listens to most often gives a small but in depth view of what's going on in that person's mind. Of course this does not apply to everyone. But it does apply to someone like who can't function without music and who thinks his most valuable possession is his portable music player.

Although, when I look at my own 'top 25' I feel almost embarrassed and sometimes s exclaim, "how the fuck did that get there!"

So here are five random songs from my top 25. Enjoy. Or cringe.

Note: all these are youtube videos so the quality ain't there.

At the top of my top 25 is: Just Breathe by Kylee. (play count 85)

At number 4 its: Hit The Floor by Linkin Park. (play count 63)

At number 5 its: Mysterious Purupuru Pururin by Shishidou Rumi. (play count 58)

At number 14 its: Run Rabbit Run by Eminem. (play count 48)

Finally at number 21 and rising steadily fast is: Nyanderful! by Sakikabara Yui.

These were all randomly chosen. And for me I had a hard time playing these videos, thanks streamyx!
See ya next Sunday.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Going on holiday from today (tonight) till the 23rd of December.

And this is hilarious.

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Distant Monster.

Limited time is like a huge silent monster that was created by ourselves. We lay down its starting point and end point. The clock starts running and the monster moves only an inch everyday and at the beginning it’s a hundred kilometers away. You know its there but its shadowy figure only sparks a small fear for the future. The fear too small for worry but big enough for a quick glance that is dismissed just as fast with the comforting thought that the shape in the distant has changed little or not at all. Its massive figure changes only so slightly as it comes closer and closer. The monster is than forgotten, the person looks all around him occupied with the world while instinctively avoiding the very sight of that distant monster. Finally when it eclipses the very sun do we realize, ‘Shit, I’ve run out of time.’ It than consumes us.

I’m leaving Malaysia in February, five months have passed and its stunning to me how fast time flies when I’m doing nothing. Well I didn’t do nothing but, I feel unaccomplished. I wish I had more time to practice my guitar, or to read more books. These are the things I wanted to do. I’ve gamed more than enough. In fact, I think I’ve been gaming a whole shit load too much.

Not only for single player but also Uncharted 2 multiplayer, Modern warfare 2, Team Fortress 2, not to mention the time wasted on Company of Heroes skirmishes (over 100 hours) and finally all that time spent in cyber cafes playing left4dead, Modern warfare one, or Starcraft. God only knows how many hours were spent, I'm sure he would raise an eyebrow if he knew.

As I said before, I’ve gamed a shit load.

Do I regret it? No, I don’t. I just wish that I had more time. Which ironically is a waste of time, that is to ponder upon the time wasted when pondering in itself is already wasting time. Actually, by writing this I’ve wasted time. In fact, if I didn’t start this silly blog I would’ve saved some time to be used in a more productive activity like picking my nose or eating fried ground nuts.

I have a month, and going on holiday for two weeks doesn’t help. So my top priority once I come back from Egypt is to get fit. I also need to practice my guitar and learn how to cook. Actually, once I get there will I be able to play? I’ll find a way I guess.

Once I finish Assassin’s Creed two I think I’ll be done with gaming. For now…DUM DUM DUUUUUUUM!! Need some quality time to spend with my cat before I go, oh and friends too.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sunday, sunday, sunday!

So I made the cheese cake.

Here it is;

I am much too lazy to go into details on how I made it and what's in it. Although it did taste absolutely delicious despite its lack of aesthetic beauty. Five out of five in my book.

Next Sunday's goal will be, wait. I wont be here next Sunday. So there will be no goal for I will be on holiday with the family until Christmas Eve.

Now, if you'll excuse me I have a cake to devour with my Camomile tea. Ciaossu.

Note: If you're wondering why does the picture quality suck balls its because I took pictures with my craptacular Black Berry phone camera. I was lazy, bite me.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Why is the world so jacked?

I heard once before someone saying that the world is neither good or evil, it’s simply the world. There is no greater Good or pure Evil the world is as fucked and beautiful as it is because humanity made it that way. God didn’t tell us to rise up in dire times, he didn’t tell us to do the weird shit we do, and he didn’t smoke us for doing bad things either. My view on the world and its independence may, or may not oppose my religious belief. But in the end, I really don’t care. Because I’ve come to the belief that a man can pray as much as he likes but without the sweat of his brow nothing will bare fruit in his garden.

My view of God and his irrelevance to current events sounds blasphemous. In fact, it most likely is. I don’t refute his existence or his authority but I do question the interpretation of his text by mortal men. Because of this I’ve always cringed when people talk about religion, when the imam preaches it, or even that odd SMS of: May God protect you ya-da-ya-da-ya-da. Religion is an idea like any other thing its been created by humanity. Therefore, even if it is the truth it can be twisted because man had a hand in it. The best example would be extremism, Jihad, the crusades and all that bullocks. I’ve always thought this way ever since that one time in Friday prayers the Imam was talking about how the Americans were hell bent on destroying Islam. And how Iraq was the first victim of this modern day ‘Holy’ crusade inspired by olden times. This didn’t hit me just yet until I got back home and later that night discussed it with my mother. She said something so profound that day, unwittingly maybe. In the talk I jokingly remarked, ‘Can you believe it the Imam preached that the Americans are on some Holy Crusade.”

My mother replied, ‘What if what he said was true?’

That made me think deeply, he was a religious figure someone thousands if not, tens of thousands trust. His information could be baseless, he could be crazy, he could be on the pay roll of some terrorist group or hell, he could be telling the truth as unlikely as that sounds. The point is that he is a man, endowed oh so gracefully by God with all the faults of lust, pride, greed, ignorance, fallibility, and stupidity. No man other than the prophet should have the right to call out blood in the name of God. In fact, shouldn’t a religious figure preach peace not war? Shouldn’t we talk about things first? Negotiations should be first choice not the sword. And the argument of they hit us first is childish, even if it does involves thousands of lives innocent or otherwise. As a collective we should be above the stupid atrocities leaders past have done. So when people call out Jihad, or say Israel should burn. Or down with Jews. Islam 4eva. I would like to say. FUCK you. Some of us rather take the high road no matter the cost. Fighting fire with fire solves nothing.

I’m not saying this to spite anyone. I am just so sick and tired when people talk about war and how awesome it is that X country has Z advantage. Or how Y president told M country to go fuck itself. Or how we should all be in the fight just because we’re the same religion. Just because we pray to the same God, it doesn’t mean I owe you two shits for anything.

Enough of religion and its relation to modern issues, its a morbid topic.

Despite the fuck ups there are times in this world when things feel warm and fuzzy. A song, a moment with friends or family, an event, a piece of art, what we read, what we watch, it can move us. Especially me, I find myself always so easily swayed by the art that is storytelling and its characters and even more so if they are non-fiction. However, the opposite shit comes around as well.

When people scream racist and vulgar remarks, although only in text, it still hurts and even more so when its voiced. When a car dangerously cutting into your lane without signaling, when a cashier gives you that sour face just because you were that last fussy customer and her early return home had been delayed, when TV news start rolling and the world’s problems seem endless with no easy solution. These will always make people feel down. Even me, as much as I preach and lecture about how much I don’t give a fuck I still care. I’ve always told myself and whoever who would listen that; its not that I don’t care. I do care. Things that hurt be it words, text, even those dirty smug looks, they all stab me in the heart like any normal person. But the difference for me is that, I can take it. The pain is still there but my reaction to it can always change, and the best part of it all is that I have the power to choose what that reaction would be. I could start mouthing off, I could get physical and throw a chair, or I could be calm and collected and walk away. Personally I’d rather mouth off, or laugh maniacally muahahhahahah.

The world is as fucked as it is beautiful. In the words of some motorcycle anime that I have yet to watch, “The world is not perfect. Therefore it is beautiful.”


PS: I forgot to mention my Sunday goal in my last entry. This week’s goal is: Baking a cheesecake that is based on my mum’s own recipe.