Damn. Now I only took this job because I had to make a deal with, my Father for a Playstation 3. Its been two weeks since I've started working part-time in Coffee bean. To sum up what we do is simple: Cooking, cleaning, brewing, blending, servicing, its all the same. There is no specialisation, a job that needs to be done can be done by anyone. Except for the managers they spend their time sitting on their ass doing paper work, while us 'baristas' or peons do most of the cleaning, brewing, blending, practically everything. This job, I was not suppose to be here. I was suppose to be in Subway!! Making sandwiches, who the fuck would have thought working in Coffee Bean would be such a huge pain in the ass.
From the moment I clock in, there is no sitting. Your always doing something and closing time is a bitch. Literally everything needs to be cleaned from the counter to the damned grease trap, the floor is mopped daily, and what makes matters worst is that we're given officially only thirty minutes to close up. Of course we try to start early, about three hours before closing but than the customers start to pour in at 9.30pm. If things don't get done, we work overtime. In the end, we still get paid peanuts. There is absolutely no bang for buck in this job. And if the district manager happens to come around and discovers our early initiative to clean he bones us. If we work too much overtime, they question us. All this shit, its pretty fucked especially for someone like me who reluctantly took the job, and the only reason I took it was because I was desperate for a PS3.
Most likely, I will quit. The reason for quitting is not because its too hard. Honest to God, the job is pretty easy to pick up. But repetition really kills it for me. Every night, its the same shit. Clock in, do some servicing, do some dishes, make some drinks all till 8PM. 8PM start cleaning, clean up the gourmet section, clean up the fucking toaster, all while still making drinks, servicing, and cleaning dishes. At the very end of the night, I stack the chairs, sweep the floor, and mop it later on. Now this is only my job. There are only two people doing closing excluding the manager who needs no count the money, do inventory, etc. Maybe working in Coffee Bean wouldn't be such a pain in the ass if it weren't so fucking understaffed.
Now the problem with all this Coffee bean (and most likely every other franchise in the world) is that everything, EVERYTHING is shipped in. From the pastries to the spaghetti everything is shipped in. When I mentioned cooking, I lied - its more like microwaving with a little presentation skills at hand.
Well anyway I'm trying to do some video gaming shenanigans. None of that reviewing crap though. Look forward to it, whoever you are.
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