Friday, April 23, 2010

Starcraft, you Pwn me.

(I know the picture is from sc2, it was just too hilarious to ignore)
I recently bought starcraft, was too lazy to go to the game shop so instead I paid a vist to blizzard store and surprise, surprise a digital copy! Hell yea, so I bought that online. First thing I did was to play against the PC just to get my hotkeys a bit grounded. I've played starcraft multiplayer a little bit back home, wanted to get into it again because of starcraft 2. SO i new the hotkeys, and units etc, basic basic stuff.

Now, haha! Now I was feeling confident! Of to I went but alas it was... weird. There were no games in english. So snooping around my favourite starcraft site ( I discovered Iccup. AN international server for starcraft players who are 'serious'. I thought that last part was a joke, boy, was I wrong.

Rank D. You'd think people in rank D would have problems getting the hotkeys right, you'd think they wouldnt use the keyboard, you'd think that they were just a bunch of easy kills, I knew a few builds vaguely but these people on Iccup they knew more than I did. Digg this, I've won only one single game. ONLY ONE out of maybe 8 1 v 1 matches, I've won 2 out of 3 Big game hunter matches. My first game was rather fun I had 3 rax but did not rush him, wish i should have he was zerg. I was slow, my macro was really weak and he got mutalisk. Mutalisk stacking my marines one by one but I survived for a fair bit before I gg'd.

The other games were just me fucking up, I manage to push em back far but always my macro is really bad. Or sometimes I just get jacked because of I had no anti air, or pushed too much and lost all my units, or did not push enough and he secured his natural. The worst game was this protoss player, I was playing Terran and he came into my base built a pylon. I thought well fuck it whats a pylon gonna do. I somehow managed to kill that probe with my scv. A minute later here comes another probe and he puts a FUCKING CANNON on the pylon which was on my base. I panicked sent my SCV's on him, sent I had one marine, but the single probe continued to make a second cannon and assimilator on my gas. My macro and micro was so terribly bad, I was trying to control this dumb ass situation while my minerals had stacked to 300. The rest is history I was badly, badly owned. His rank? D.

I know I'm a noob. But, damn. Noobs in starcraft are no fucking joke. I dont know how any new player would get into this game multiplayer wise. If he had a practice partner it wouldn't be so bad. I'm okay with it, because the amazing thing about starcraft is that you can analyse you game and pin point your mistake. Like not microing well enough, or not scouting the second time, or getting that armory up fast enought for goliaths, or not upgrading that overlord speed, it goes on forever.

I think the best thing about starcraft is that, sure 50% to 60% (maybe? I dont know) is your skill on the mouse on keyboard at macro and micro. The other percentage is knowledge, information, build order, its so damn important. I lost mostly cause I did not know. Some games I was ahead but loss because of bad micro macro. Its not infuriating but frustrating in a good way, because I want to get better.

I started playing at 7oclock and wanted to stop at 10pm, I looked at the clock the first time since 7 and it was 12. Losing sucks, but starcraft is fun regardless of win or lose espcially for a noob like me.

So anyone want to play starcraft with this noob? I'd be happy to play, win - lose it dont matter. Just watch out for my 4 pool!

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