Tuesday, June 22, 2010

iTunes Ver.2

Its been roughly half a year since the first iTunes post. Because I cant lug around my beloved desktop I've been happy to use a Vaio laptop. Its surprisingly awesome. Apple however is Fucking stupid (not to mention iTunes is a shitty program that eats up CPU resources), conveniently my iTunes playlist with all my songs and its respectives play count and skip count had a reset. Tried and could not fix the problem.

So here is my top 5 and yes, the top two is from an anime. Enjoy, or not.......jerk.

Lucifers Jigsaw (39) and Optimistic Movement (39)
the rest of the album + encore is awesome too

Jaydiohead - Jay-Z x Radiohead by Max Tannone

Right Now ~ Fort Minor
(play count: 41)

My Song ~ Girls Dead Monster
(play count: 45)

Crow Song ~ Girls Dead Monster
(play count: 68)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Evangelion 2.0

Its been a cool two years since I saw the first of the Rebirth of Evangelion tetralogy. I couldn't even remember how it ended, all I remembered was that it was awesome. Evangelion 1.0 was a mirror to the anime series, a remake (part of it, the best part imho) that had no plot changes the difference was in the animation, visuals, music, the technical stuff and it was superb; as expected from a movie remake.

Although my memory of Evangelion the original series is frazzled by time and space one thing is certain, the plot changes in Evangelion 2.0 gives the series a breath of new life. And to a certain extent an easier understanding of the story in general. The problem with the anime series (from my memory) was that it ended on a strange end of Gods, fractured realities of what could have been and an assortment of visual stimuli that would cause photosensitive epilepsy. The ending ruined the original series for me only because of its confusing nature and its sudden divorce from reality that made me go, "Wait....whaaaaaa?"

The past is the past, Evangelion 2.0 is an awesome anime movie. Not as good as Summer Wars but this isn't a competition of which movie can please you best. I think what made Eva 2.0 better than its original material is the better fleshed out characters. His father seems less of the asshole and Shinji, well I find myself hating him much more less than I did before as for the others, there is much more to them than I am willing or able to write about at this moment.

Another aspect that I love about this movie is its portrayal of daily life in Tokyo-3 their short clips one minute or two at best but its gives so much character and life to the city their trying to protect.

All in all, Rebuild of Evangelion is an awesome tetralogy (50% complete for now) and I implore anyone who is interested in any good story to watch it and enjoy.

Now I just have to wait for the sequel, another two years most likely......*sigh*